Slowing Down

I have a love/hate relationship with September. There is such a solemn feeling as September marks summer’s end, and with it, the end of BBQs, cheery flowers, and warm, sunshiny days. However, there is a very positive side to the change of seasons. As we head into fall, the pace of life slows a bit. With days getting shorter, it feels like the Universe is demanding we get more rest.
Still reeling from a summer filled with much loss, I am really embracing this quiet time. If this transition is difficult for you, check out the tips below on ways to slow down.
Happy Healthy Her
Tips for Slowing Down
Every year summer seems to speed by in the blink of an eye. By the time September rolls around I am ready for some down time. Heck, most of the time I am ready for some down time! You could say I am kind of a master on the topic. I realize, however, that not everyone is as able to slow down and decompress. If that is the case, here is a little help:
• Put Life on Autopilot – I used to drive 30 minutes each way every month to buy my unsweetened coconut milk at the nearest Trader Joe’s. As the base for my daily smoothies, I practically live on the stuff. But, honestly I hated having to get myself to the store. This summer I realized that has a Subscribe & Save program that lets me get a case of Coconut Dream shipped directly to my house. I save so much money and time! I also order most of my vitamins and supplements online at and Swanson Vitamins.
• Plan Ahead – I have a fairly large family, and I was raised to always send cards for birthdays and holidays. That used to mean heading out to the store monthly for an appropriate card or gift. Now, armed with an annual calendar marking all the special days, I buy my cards in advance and store them in a birthday card planner (which is simply a book with 12 pockets for each month). I have a similar planner where I put all my bills, so that I can always keep track of what is due. I head online to save time by paying bills through my super handy Discover Checking account which actually pays me money for every bill I pay. I am able to pick a day at the beginning of the month to set up all of my payments and then relax knowing that I won’t have to think about them again until next month.
• Schedule in “Me Time” – I am pretty lucky as a freelance writer to have a fairly flexible schedule. But, even when my schedule is slammed with appointments and deadlines, I know I have to schedule in time for myself. Whether it is reading a book, or doing yoga, the time that I designate just for myself is crucial every single day. Countless experts, including the highly successful and tremendously busy Ariana Huffington, agree that taking quiet time, or even an extra hour of sleep, is essential for good health.
• Take a Media Break – TV and newspapers are a tremendous source of stress. Even social media can be emotionally draining. Last year Rosa Conti, the leader of a vibrant Health Meetup group which I belong to, took the entire month of November off from media – dubbing it “No”vember. It is wise to disconnect from all forms of media from time to time, so that our minds and bodies can recover from all the negative energy and chatter that is constantly coming our way.
• Book a Massage or Body Treatment – There is no better way to slow your body down than to put yourself in the loving hands of a massage therapist or other body healer. I used to balk at spending money on massage or energy healing therapy. However, I realized that I consistently felt much better after an appointment. Far better in fact than after seeing my conventional medical practitioners who, after factoring in labs and tests, cost far more than my beloved body working friends. As far as I’m concerned, massage, energy healing, and Chinese Medicine are my quickest route to relaxation and better health.
The beautiful thing about slowing down is that it doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes all it takes is a long deep breath to reset your pace.
What’s Hot at HHH
Here is what I have been up to this month:
• Getting my jewelry sparkly clean
• Reading “Codependent No More” – A must for people pleasers!
• Learning to embrace my sensitive self
• Noshing on Gluten Free, Low Carb treats
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well written. I wish I did a better job at allowing me time and exercise into my daily routine. I have yet to figure this out….
Thanks for commenting Sandrine. It isn’t easy to make the time when there are so many other people and responsibilities. BUT, taking time for yourself really is the key to balance and health. Exercise can definitely be tricky, but walking at work during breaks is one option. Then you don’t have to fit it into your down time.