Healing Tools


Natural Healing Tools

Healing Tools for Body, Mind & Spirit

The following healing tools have added so much value to my life. I hope they help you too! Michelle

Body Treatments

Body TreatmentsThese natural healing treatments and tools focus on keeping the body healthy and vibrant. Plus, they feel good!



Body Therapies

Mind / Spirit Treatments

Mind & Sprit Treatments We often forget the power of our mind and spirit in keeping us happy and healthy. The following mind & spirit treatments are very easy to incorporate into your life. Most are free and can be added to your daily routine today.




Health Sites

Health Sites There is a tremendous amount of health information on the internet. It can be difficult to know what is true. This comprehensive collection of health sites has been reviewed and sorted so that it will be easier for you to find the trustworthy information you are looking for.

Health Systems

Health Systems The conventional medical system used in the United States is not all there is! There are so many other more holistic approaches to health that incorporate tools beyond medications and surgery. The health systems included here have been used for centuries and are typically inexpensive and effective.

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