Gratitude Heals All
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

I came upon the above quote the day of the funeral for my husband’s Grandma. It is such an amazing reminder that the sadness of loss comes from our tendency to focus on what is no longer present. If we can simply appreciate how lucky we were to have experienced the love and happiness of knowing a person or a pet, or experiencing a joy-filled occasion, our entire view of death and loss can shift from anger and sadness to gratitude, love, and acceptance.
None of this is easy however. Loss feels a bit like a hole; an emptiness that needs refilling. I know this feeling all too well because in addition to losing my husband’s Grandma, who I loved very much, I also lost my beloved cat Pip just last week. Days later, I learned my Dad was in the hospital. My immediate response was “Why me? Why so much pain all at once?” But, I am slowly awakening to how lucky I have been to be without such grief for so many years. And, I am also realizing that the love of friends, family, and my sweet cat, Gladys are all there to refill my spirit and help me to smile once again.
Happy Healthy Her
What’s Hot at HHH
- I have been loving my new Ipad Mini. I am very late to the tablet party. As a believer that too much technology can rot the brain, I don’t even have a smart phone. However, what I am really enjoying about the Mini is my new ability to have music with me at all times. The music therapy benefits are amazing!
- Adding to my music mania – Amazon Prime now has a free music service. Between that, iTunes Radio, Grooveshark and Spotify, I am able to listen to loads of music (always supporting musicians of course by buying the hits that I really enjoy)
- Ever deal with negative people? Yah, me too. That is why I love this new piece of advice from Gabby Bernstein.
- When in need of a lift, I turn to a Coco Choco Coffee – mixing coffee with coconut milk, cocoa powder, a touch of liquid stevia, and lots of ice. So delish!
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